Growing@Field28 is a very special place. Our team is made up of an amazing group of people who really care about the farm. They respect the land and the environment and most importantly love what they do. The growing team produce the very best living micro-greens and specialist leaves, fresh salad and vegetables along with edible flowers. More recently they have added Beautiful English flowers to the list and our own group of florists have the pleasure of picking their own seasonal flowers from the farm and preparing them for our customers to enjoy.

Come and meet Lauren in the farm shop and ask her more about Field28 seasonal flowers.
This week we have cut back a large eucalyptus tree and she will have some lovely bunches of these special leaves to make your house smell fresh and alive.

NEWS AND PIC from Romy, who is one of our lead growers.
"Last week saw the first trays of Calendula, Cornflower and Borage being planted out in the tunnels at Field28 and we expect to see the first of these edible flowers ready to pick in six weeks time. We will grow four successions of the edible flowers throughout the year to ensure we have the highest quality flowers to harvest for our restaurant chefs and home cooks."
"In the picture you will see lots of green bits in the soil which are actually green manures. At Field28 we use this as a winter cover crop to keep nutrients in the soil over the winter months. It is grown to create a canopy over the soil which reduces the light that the weeds would need to germinate. Once we are finished with this crop the "green manure" is turned into the soil very easily. This decomposing matter acts as a nutrient dense compost which feeds the soil before we place our young plants. Here we have buckwheat, clover and vetch."

On this very cold March day with a flurry of snow on the ground, Romy has chosen an indoor job to split the Dahlia Tubers and increase our stock. She has renamed this particular variety "OLLIES BABY" as he loves this flower so much.
Over the year ahead we would like to introduce you to the team and give you an insight into what's happening on the farm. I hope you will enjoy learning about life at Field28 and join us on our journey through 2023.
Jan x